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I'm one of God's creation
A plain girl who realise her full potential is barely reached
Babysit, eating, sleeping and dancing is her best leisure ability
Loves her family & friends to bits
No life ahead without them in my life..
Currently 7hrs away from home
Right now loving the life she is leading in Adelaide only because there are so many things she got herself involved in..
And it is not worthless involvements, mind you..

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Hunk And Babe..

A normal 24 hour day I had. Came home around 1am last night as I was accompanying my 2 cousins. One of which, was getting married this june, to the bridal fair at suntec. I then went home to their house as my sister needed help with her powerpoint slide and the Abang knows how to do it. It was a fun night there and my suspicions aroused further when mama Sariah kept on asking if I was free today(Monday). As much as I would like to say yes and not go to school, I know that tutorials are pretty important for the last term of the semester so I did not oblige when she told me to "ponteng" whole day. Back then I still did not know why she wanted me to.

So went to school moody and tired as I did not have a good rest and got a call from Cik Li, another aunty of mine from Home asking what time I ended school. Again it seems that this monday was So important as everyone seems to be asking me if I ended early or had no classes. I had my suspicions set on my parents coming home from haj today. But then they told me time and again that they will be back friday.

So at 3pm I left school and began walking to baba mail's house as abg and kak sya was gona accompany me to penjuru lane to take my lappy. Seriously before, I did not even know there was such thing as a PENJURU LANE in Singapore. Have any of you heard of it? It is like at jurong ah. Some factory sort of place. It was easy to find though once there. So collected my lappy and all the while in the car no one said anything about my parents coming home from haji.

Stepped into the house at about 5+ pm. And out came the supposedly BIG SURPRISE. THEY ARE BACK!!! Argh... Do you know how frustrated I was? It was like everyone else that matters knew except us 3 kids; their children! And we were like made a fool sia. Atleast I felt that way cox the night before mama sariah kept on asking when they were coming home padahal she knows! Apparently it was to give us a shock! It sure did and it also burst up flames in me. But I guess missing them too much did not bother me to shout at them for keeping it from us.

So happy they are home..
Haji Abdul Rahman Jaffar & Hajjah Badariah Mohd Noor
Love these only hunk and babe ever...

Friday, January 19, 2007

12am exactly and I just came home from the Bro's chalet. It was alright. Not to fun but thank god not boring either. Lucky I know most of the people there so I did not feel awkward at all. And lucky my 3 girlfriends also had each other or else I would have been guilty being away from any of them.
Got to know a guy named Hadi. A 20 year old year 1 guy from tp. Thought I was chinese and said to me " hello xiao jie, I am hadi. Whats your name?" and got shocked when I mentioned my name. A nice guy, trying to always start the conversation..
Herman bubble ah!! booooo.....but its okay since he had a good reason....at mosque since it was a special day for the muslims yesterday... the new year..
Brought shark's fin soup and mee goreng to the chalet. All commented on the super delicious soup. Some even had up to 5 servings. Thanks to my aunty!
I cooked the mee goreng and yes they said it was nice too but ofcourse nothing can beat the soup lah.. I know myself thats why I brought the soup too.. sort of like replacement :p

Blog-hopped and came across one of my close secondary school mate's. English super chimp such that I wonder how she ended up in normal academic. Or maybe I guess her maturity level is super high now that she is able to use the superdelicious words...:p Anyway, apart from that, duno why I feel she is in a lot of pain. Her words have alot of hidden meanings. I know that even though she is always laughing, she has a certain illness. But has she really gone to the extent of really cutting herself? I hope not..After all she has so many beautiful friends around her who is always there for her. I hope she knows what she is thinking... (I know you read this so know that I love you beb)

Have a wedding reception tomorrow.. My god bro is getting married and so I have to help out as a kendarat. Argh....Lazy liao..:p But what to do, sayang nye pasal..

Apparently, I just found out that yesterday is akhir tahun and awal tahun day. I was suppose to be attending some baca2 but I did not go as I went for my friends chalet. I feel guilty but I mean since I cannot pray as I am "dirty", it is okay not to go right.. Haix... Insyaallah, He will understand..

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

With only 5 more weeks to exams, I am already feeling the pressure of my oh-so-near-deadline assignments. As I type, I have still not started on my animation yet. I wonder how I can be so laid back about it yet I promise you nothing will still be done about this tomorrow. I think I work best under pressure which makes me ideal for SIA company. They are one pressurized freaks! haha.

So weather has been pretty unpredictable these days. Sunny one moment and the next you see it pouring. I like it better when I knew the next day I woke up I need a jacket for my lectures and tutorials due to the obvious cold weather. Like I mentioned before I love the RAIN!! * speaking of which Rain is coming!* For those who duno who he is, he is a korean singer. No looks but nice bodaaaay! And his dance moves are cool somewhat.

Applications to university is going to be very scary. All the top notch students are going to apply for my triple E course. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It is at NTU. I really want this course so badly that I have actually even planned for my future. Meaning I already know which path I wana take! It is that scary! I am going UNI!!! If I get in, insyaallah, I think I am gona take up the offer of living in the hostel.. Experience NTU life of nerds.. How exciting!!

I am turning 20 this year! Oh Oh! Like 20!!!! I feel old just saying that... Am I suppose to enjoy it? Gosh I still remember when my dad said to me...Oh so now you are sweet 17! mmm... and now 20!?? Can I turn back?


Parents coming home like next week! Hoo yah!! How fun! Miss them so much already..

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Korea pictures....

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The day we were about to take off.....

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That's a plane....that's the plane...!!! Our plane....

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Masyaallah....it was 530 am...Korea time...On the plane..

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The whole snowboarding team...

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Yea lets line them up babeh...
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Where we stayed at...Just look at the view from my room window...

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and at night...

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wasting time as we did not have our spa....

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waiting for the darn people who ate lunch...

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On the gondola..there is caleen, me , put put and farhan

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Our night snowboarding....super cold...

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am i cool or am i cool??

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sweet eh ....muahahahah

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us with gi-sung...the last day b4 he left

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him and me...

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the other him and me...

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Princess ONI!!!

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at the airport b4 we left korea....

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ain't that beautiful

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min seok and me...he hates to smile hur hur

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min seok's aunty...yea we had a family reunion of sorts..

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on the boat to winter sonata Nami Island.

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me and put put

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in the bus where we finally get to meet the other homestay guys

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B4 we left for the airport...

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yea we were super bored....

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the whole row....Miss you all already...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New year...2007!

Been spending days at Tampines. A home of my cousins' from b4 Hari Raya Haji. At first I thought I would stay for a day only but it turned out to be more fun then I expected so I have been here for like quite sometime. Stayed till late nights like 4 am and woke up at 11am. Did ketupats and lepats. Brownies and ayam merah, udang sambal tumis, lodeh, sambal goreng. And we ate it all up.. I also made oreo cheesecake which turned out to be a mango pudding aka cheesecake. Fun fun fun... too bad all the good things must come to an end as school reopens by Wednesday..

Spent Hari Raya Haji with the Ismail(my cousins) family. Went to Habib Hassan's house then to Baba Mun and lastly to Nenek's. At Nenek's, the blues took alot of pictures together. Uber fun...After which we went home for a short nap before our journey to New Year countdown.

Went out for New Year to Marina Bay. Saw the bootiful fireworks. And I got punked!! Since it was packed, we were all seperated halfway. So after 10 minutes of the fireworks, we were all meeting up at a spot and I found out my sis was lost. Called all my cousins and was ready to look for my sister. Walked up the road abit and suddenly saw her standing a few meters away. Apparently, it was a nasty joke planned by one of my cousin.
I got punked!!

Was woken up today at 830 am by a phone call from nenek at home. Apparently my dear aunty jah who lives with me got admitted to CGH as she had a heart attack. I feel so guilty that I was not home to take care of her then. Lucky tawfiq, my brother was there to follow in the ambulance with her. Went home and rushed out to visit her. Damn she was crying when all of us went in the room to talk to her. Guess she is scared. Hell who won't be! She said she thought she was gona die as she could not breathe properly. Please god... Save her.. Unless it is her time.. Insya Allah!

Guilt empowers me... That is all I feel for now..Masya Allah...

Well Happy New Year people!!
May all your wishes and dream come true.